
What Should You Do If Your Child Has Head Lice?

What Should You Do If Your Child Has Head Lice?

Head lice. No one wants to deal with this pesky problem, ever. It’s absolutely disgusting, but it happens. So what should you do?

One thing you should not do is panic. You might end up over treating the problem and create anxiety in your child.

What you should do is first understand that head lice is a human infestation that is passed directly with head-to-head contact. This is why it’s common in youngsters 3-11 years of age.

This doesn’t mean you should prohibit your kid from touching others. Just teach them that there are some things not meant for sharing, like brushes, combs, scarves, and hats.

Now, to treat head lice, purchase an anti-lice shampoo such as Rid or Nix. Shampoo and leave in for one-minute, then rinse out. Follow up with a second shampoo seven days later. This is extremely important because it will kill any eggs that were hatched in the interim.

While your child’s hair is still wet, comb the hair with a lice comb to pull out the nits, or eggs.

If shampooing with over-the-counter anti-lice shampoo does not kill the infestation, consult your pediatrician for a stronger product.

Remember, it’s not the end of the world if your child has head lice. With treatment, you will get through it just fine.

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