
Why Join McGills?


POSITION - Stylist
TIME AT MCGILL'S - 1 year and 3 months

Here is what she has to say about her time at McGill's.

Name 3 words that best describes McGills Hairdressing
High standard, unique, friendly

Name 3 things that you like best about working at McGills Hairdressing
Great atmosphere, awesome colleagues, homely

Why do you enjoy your job? 
It can be really busy and demanding at times however time flies as you're constantly surrounded by great people who can turn any situation into fun. We're supporting and look after each other both in work and private life

Eniko, McGills Hairdressing Salon in Edinburgh


POSITION - Salon manager 

Here is what she has to say about her time at McGills so far.

Name 3 words that best describes McGills
Fun, caring, exciting.

Name 3 things that you like best about working at McGills
Our team, our clients, our values.

Why do you enjoy your job? 
I have worked at McGills for a few years now and I love it! We have a really good team and everyone really gets on. I have never worked anywhere where the whole teams opinions and ideas are as valued as they are at McGills which really makes you feel involved and invested in the salon.


Sarah, McGills Hairdressing Salon in Edinburgh


POSITION - Graduate Stylist/Supervisor

3 Words to best describe McGills

Friendly, Client Focused and Fun

3 things you like about working at McGills

How well the team all get on
How we are so Eco Friendly
How we are Education Focused

Why do you enjoy your job here?

I love how focused Garry and Heather were on my training and this motivated me so much throughout my apprenticeship. This was a great first impression of McGills. Everyone gets on so well and as a team we have so much fun together especially during our team days out! It's the best place I have worked!! 

Chloe, McGills Hairdressing Salon in Edinburgh


POSITION HELD BEFORE MOVING ON -  Director Stylist and salon educator 

Here is what she had to say about her time at McGills before moving on to new ventures. 

Name 3 words that best describes McGills
Fun, caring, creative

Name 3 things that you like best about working at McGills
The team, the clients, sustainability 

Why do you enjoy your job? 
I have loved working at McGills and I'm very sad to leave such a compassionate, friendly and hardworking bunch. The team have been amazing and lifted each other up when times got tough as well as encourage each other when we're doing well. It's been great to work for a salon that has such high standards and professionalism whilst having fun and taking into account sustainability which was always my goal when working in a salon. The clients are also wonderful,  making for a lovely salon atmosphere that feels comfortable to everyone. I will miss them all very much ❤️


Maya, McGills Hairdressing Salon in Edinburgh
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